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Microsoft xBox

The impulsive shopping experience in XBox.

xBox shopping experience while watching movies or tv


The Xbox has over 49 million customers, 90% of which are Xbox Live subscribers. ​

​The Xbox shopping initiative gives the customer the capability to be informed by his controller using haptic feedback that items in a particular scene is ready for purchase. The user can then pause the program and purchase the item, or synchronize his phone, smart speaker or smart watch with his Xbox to complete the purchase, so as to have an uninterrupted experience.​

According to Nielsen, almost 80% of Subscription based Video on Demand (SVOD) viewers looked up information and purchased items using a search engine on their smart phones whiles watching TV.  ​

A successful customer experience will require that all facets of the experience – content, visual design, and usability – work together.​

At Microsoft they take great pride in the thinking they put into the customer experience to ensure that the custom solutions they develop for our clients drive high levels of adoption and lead to measurable success. ​


The relentless focus they bring to the customer experience is a primary differentiator for Xbox.

Quoting from a report done by Wharton, the rise of the net and social media has drowned TV viewership. People simply don’t have the time or the inclination to get home on time to watch their favorite show. ​

The advent of Tivo, Roku and Apple TV fixed that by digitally recording TV shows to be watched later. Now we have subscription-based video on-demand or SVOD, which can let you access any TV show or movie you missed.​

SVOD homes are above-average for enabled smart TVs, DVRs and video game consoles and smart phones
The new xBox controller with the shopping button
Prime time TV and peripheral device usage
User flow of a purchase while on the xBox
Guiding Principles​


Our approach to meeting the functional requirements is the result of a thoughtful collaboration among our business strategy, user experience and technology teams, who have taken the following key guiding ​principles into account: ​

  • Provide a human touch. ​

    ​Create a guided selling experience which anticipates ​and responds to the needs of prospective customers, reducing attrition and leading to higher levels of engagement in a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. ​

  • Keep an eye on future growth. ​

    ​Design a solution that can easily scale to ​accommodate new associations with third party retailers, states, and product lines.

  • Design intelligently. ​
    Draw on research to find innovative ways to enhance the experience. Test ideas with customers and optimize the solution based on customer feedback. ​

Vince's Spirit Animal - The Tiger

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